
Blockchain Search Engine (BSE)’ is the first of its kind that has taken a considerable initiative towards being the search engine where not only users’ data is protected but they can also earn cryptocurrency while making their searches on a regular basis. A genius solution devised by two IT professionals from Singapore, who decided to use blockchain technology as an answer to data security. Users’ information has become vulnerable online, as every digital footprint is kept as a record. The internet giants keep a track of all the personal information using the same to earn profits. This monopolistic control had to be curbed. This is where BSE comes in, a decentralized global network blockchain search engine engineered to be free, open, and uncontrolled search engine to acquire net neutrality.


PoA Chain Setup To set up the chain setup, multiple methods were applied. The challenge that was faced here was the nodes that communicate with each other for a transaction or mining process to take place weren’t working properly. The same was recreated twice to work properly; different methods were used to solve the concerning issue. Finally, through PuppeTH the PoA setup was completed and new nodes, boot nodes, wallet nodes were added. Load balancing was added to wallet nodes for the smooth functioning of transaction broadcasting.

Another concerning issue that arose was when these chains weren’t regularly used, Boot & Wallet nodes went down and didn't work. Hence, the team decided to put the Boot nodes on hold and transactions were recreated once again. A similar thing was done with the wallet nodes as well.

Ads Challenge An indexed search engine was needed (3rd party application) through which searching could speed up, as the database queries are a bit slower than the indexed engine, Solr became the solution. The search was deployed through a Solar (index-based search engine made on java). The server setup was done initially. The ads were indexed on the same to make the search faster. BSE is deployed on the elastic beanstalk, which has multiple servers at a time, although having said that, multiple instances of Solr can’t be used, hence, an EC2 instance was set up, which basically a single server and Solr was run on the same and connected with BSE.

What Did We Do?

Facilitates Privacy

Problem: Search engines have been seen to recall or rather record users' activities, keyword searches, and profile information in their central system.

Solution: The user just needs to provide minimal information while making an account on BSE, such as gender and DOB, and because it is a blockchain search engine, the information is saved on the blockchain, where no one can access it without permission.

Get paid while searching and clicking on ads

Problem: We can share our personal information with a variety of websites without having to read lengthy terms and conditions or other restrictions. Many third parties take advantage of this information and use it in their bids.

Solution: While exploring the web or clicking on advertising, users can earn money in the form of cryptocurrency (Tokens).

Block People to Perform Ill-Activities

Problem: Millions of people upload content to the internet, which can come from both trustworthy and untrustworthy sources.

Solution: We removed major negative keywords like terrorism, child pornography, drugs, and others. To summarize, the BSE project was difficult in its own right. W3villa was similarly ecstatic, and each problem was viewed as an opportunity to make BSE a success!

To summarize, the BSE project was difficult in its own right. W3villa was similarly ecstatic, and each problem was viewed as an opportunity to make BSE a success!,

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