Uniswap Decentralized
Uniswap an ideal infrastructure for automated liquidity that can be easily integrated & is able to handle a high volume of requests for thousands of users and hundreds of applications.
FAQsUniswap an ideal infrastructure for automated liquidity that can be easily integrated & is able to handle a high volume of requests for thousands of users and hundreds of applications.
FAQsW3villa gives you access to the best infrastructure to manage your liquidity pool and volume of requests.
Build a decentralized exchange protocol with advanced and innovative technologies with complete features like
Uniswap was created by Hayden Adams in 2018. Its name was given by Vitalik, Hayden initially named it Unipeg and Alan Lu of Gnosis was the very first person to conceive of x*y=k market makers on Ethereum (Uniswap.Org).
Uniswap uses of a pricing mechanism Constant Product Market Maker Model. A token can be added to Uniswap by adding the equal value of ETH and the ERC20 token.
Once a token has its own exchange smart contract and liquidity pool, it can be traded or contributed to the liquidity pool while earning a liquidity provider fee of 0.3%.
It is a protocol to exchange ERC-20 tokens on Ethereum. Uniswap is open-source software licensed under GPL. It makes the tradeoffs decentralization, censorship resistance, and secure.
It is an automated liquidity protocol. The smart contracts here defines which liquidity pools are compatible with the markets. Each pool is defined by a smart contract and involves a few functions to allow the swapping of tokens, adding liquidity, etc.
Prices are determined by the amount of each token in a pool. The smart contract maintains a constant using the following function: x*y=k. In this case x = token0, y = token1, k = constant. For each trade, a certain amount of tokens are removed from the pool for an amount of the other token. To maintain k, the balances held by the smart contract are adjusted during the execution of the trade, therefore changing the price.
Step 1. Deposit equal value of ETH and ERC20 tokens
Step 2. Enter into Pool
Step 3. Match your deposit with the corresponding Token
Step 4. Exchange fee | Gas fee
Step 5. Add Liquidity and confirm your Metamask Transaction.
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