Angular is a JavaScript framework that extends the functionality of HTML and helps ease out the development of enterprise single-page web applications. The framework is maintained by Google and helps in designing and testing phases of such applications working on the model-view-controller architecture while maintaining code quality.
Most frameworks implement MVC by asking you to break down your application into components, then write the code to combine them up together again. Angular implements MVC by asking you to split your app into MVC components and Angular does the rest. It manages your components and also serves as a platform to connect them.
AngularJS works by first reading the original HTML page designed using the standard tags and elements. It then interprets those attributes as directives to bind parts of the page to a model that is represented by standard JavaScript variables. AngularJS is built around the notion that declarative programming should be used for building user interfaces i.e. informing the programming language what needs to be done and letting the computer device do it. Telling the computer how to do something i.e. imperative programming is better suited to define application logic.
The Two-Way Binding
The framework extends traditional HTML through two-way data-binding enabling updation of constantly changing content allowing automatic synchronization of models and views. Two-way binding just means that when the data or properties in the model get changed, the updation is automatically propagated to the UI/view. And, moderations in the view are reflected instantaneously in the underlying model at once.
Most frameworks being developed are just a bunch of currently existing tools. Angular is an ideal framework where each tool is designed to work with every other tool in an interconnected way.
Other Features
- AngularJS modules define AngularJS applications, and controllers control AngularJS applications.
- The new versions provide enhanced animations and improved performance and made the union of CSS and JavaScript animations easy.
- Mobile Angular UI is an HTML 5 framework that uses Bootstrap3 and AngularJS to develop highly interactive mobile applications.
- Modules such as angular-route, angular-touch, and angular-animate are included as main features of the Mobile Angular UI. Mobile Angular UI doesn't have any jQuery dependencies, as all you need are some AngularJS directives to generate excellent mobile user experiences.
- Its features for interacting with backend web services and external data sources make it best for mobile app development. Since most apps today are data-driven, it makes sense to use a tool built from the ground up to solve this problem.
Additionally, AngularJS comes with some advanced software development practices ready to use.
AngularJS at W3villa Technologies
Our team members have gained excellent expertise on the technology and hence employing it on our projects results in high quality and rich in functionality softwares. With co-ordination with our developers, using this framework helps design the exact user interface matching requirements of our customers. With the prime focus being the satisfaction of our clients, working on this framework yields optimal performance softwares by our company.