35+ Quick (and Important) Sublime Shortcut Keys

35+ Quick (and Important) Sublime Shortcut Keys

Sublime Text Shortcuts

Want to make your work a much simple and a quicker task? Let go of that mouse!

This is especially true when you are using some advanced source code editor like Sublime Text 3, wherein there are numerous handy keyboard shortcuts available for use. You don't want to waste your precious time dragging that mouse here and there when you can efficiently do all of that programming with just your fingertips! So instead of switching between your keyboard and mouse anymore, just drag that mouse away and start using some key shortcuts shared here in this blog.

Useful Sublime Keyboard Shortcuts

Sublime Text 3 offers a number of useful keyboard shortcuts to easily and quickly view, edit and organise your code. Some of these shortcuts are native to Sublime Text, but many are inherited from the general set of shortcut keys supported in other source code editors and applications as well. Using these shortcuts can help web designers and developers save considerable time and efforts, hence improving productivity and efficiency. Below is the list of some common shortcuts that every programmer should learn to use. Since there exist some variations in the shortcuts with respect to the operating systems, the list has been classified for Ubuntu shortcuts, Windows shortcuts, and Mac shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcut Keys Command

Ubuntu/Windows Hotkeys

Sublime Hotkeys for Mac OS X

Block Comment the Selection Ctrl + Shift + / Cmd + Alt + / 
Comment/Uncomment the Line Ctrl + /  Cmd + /
Delete Current Line Ctrl + Shift + K  Control + Shift + K 
Delete from Cursor to End of Line Ctrl + KK Cmd + K , Cmd + K
Delete from Cursor to Start of Line Ctrl + K + Back Cmd + K + Back 
Duplicate the Line Ctrl + Shift + D Cmd + Shift + D
Find in Files Ctrl + Shift + F Cmd + Shift + F 
Indent the Line Ctrl + ]  Cmd + ] 
Insert Line After Ctrl + Enter Cmd + Enter
Insert Line Before Ctrl + Shift +Enter Cmd + Shift +Enter
Join the Next Line to the Current Line's End  Ctrl + J  Cmd + J 
Jump to Closing Parentheses Ctrl + M Control + M
Move Line or Selection Down Ctrl + Shift + DOWN Cmd + Control + DOWN 
Move Line or Selection Up Ctrl + Shift + UP Cmd +Control + UP 
Open Last Closed Tab Ctrl + Shift + T  Cmd + Shift + T 
Paste & Indent Properly Ctrl + Shift + V Cmd + Shift + V 
Quick Open Files by Name Ctrl + P  Cmd + P 
Redo Ctrl + Y Cmd + Y
Replace Ctrl + H Cmd + Alt + F 
Select all in Current Parentheses Ctrl + Shift + M  Control + Shift + M 
Select the Auto-Complete Suggestion Ctrl + Space  Control + Space
Select the Line Ctrl + L Cmd + L 
Select the Word Ctrl + D Cmd + D 
Soft Undo* Ctrl + U Control + U 
Transform to Lowercase Ctrl + KL  Cmd + K ,  Cmd +L
Transform to Uppercase Ctrl + KU  Cmd + K ,  Cmd + U
Un-Indent the Line Ctrl + [  Cmd + [ 


Bookmarks Shortcuts - Manage Bookmarks in Sublime Text

Toggle Bookmark Ctrl + F2 Cmd + F2 
Clear Bookmarks Ctrl + Shift + F2 Cmd + Shift + F2
Next Bookmark F2 F2
Previous Bookmark Shift + F2  Shift + F2 


Split windows Shortcuts for Sublime Text

To Single Column Alt + Shift + 1 Cmd + Alt + 1
Into Two Columns Alt + Shift + 2 Cmd + Alt + 2
Into Three Columns Alt + Shift + 3 Cmd + Alt + 3
Into Four Columns Alt + Shift + 4 Cmd + Alt + 4
Grid View(4 Groups) Alt + Shift + 5 Cmd + Alt + 5
   Keyboard Shortcut Keys   Sublime Ubuntu Shortcuts   Sublime Windows Shortcuts   Sublime Mac Shortcuts  

*Soft Undo: To jump to the last change before actually undoing the change by repeating.

Key for the Keys

Cmd-Command Key (for Mac OSX): 
Option/Alt Key (for Mac OSX): 
Control Key (for Mac OSX): 
Shift (for all): 
UP: Arrow Key(↑)
DOWN: Arrow Key(↓)
Enter: Return Key(↩)
Back: Backspace Key(⌫)

So after you have gone through and learned these shortcuts well, it's time to practice them on your own and bring them to the real action! At W3villa Technologies, the improvement in efficiency remains one of our core principles, hence, we took the initiative to share these key shortcuts which are quite simple and handy. The discussion of these sublime hotkeys also formed a part of a regular presentation conducted by the W3villa team. We hope that you have benefited from reading this article, and the information transforms the way you code. Feel free to share this article to others, and help them too in working easier and quicker!

You may like to read our another great article on Sublime Text: 7 Must-have Sublime Text Plugins (with GIFs).

Shivam Mittal

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