Right E-Commerce Platform for Your Online Store - SpreeCommerce

Right E-Commerce Platform for Your Online Store - SpreeCommerce
Spree Commerce web development

Proliferated businesses have boosted the need for e-commerce platforms. The scope of these platforms is from managing inventory to allowing users to manage account activities like tracking orders; platforms like SpreeCommerce, Shopify, Magento are few of the best options available.

Why SpreeCommerce :

  • User-Friendliness:
    Working on the interface seems effortless and the backend is de-cluttered thus making any change would not seem much of a task. Spree accommodates multi-language and currency supports thereby marketing to regional and different linguistic audiences.

  • Regular Updates:
    The consistent updates address the issues of adding database indexes, improving the current order lookup hot spot, bug fixes, added Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce tracking and addressing the security vulnerability.

  • Licensing:
    Spree’s BSD license is one of the least restraining licenses existing. Spree uses the same open-source software regardless of the category of business. There is no ‘enterprise edition’ of Spree – so whether you are a SME or a multi-national corporation, you’re able to use Spree for commercial purposes, without ever having to pay a license fee.

  • Extensions and Accessibility:
    Spree provides unrestrained activity; the design can develop as your business grows. Spree legitimately upholds many extensions that aren’t available in other contemporary platforms.

  • Optimized for Mobile Screens:
    Spree imparts the benefit of modifying the website according to mobile screen size. This attribute makes stand apart from other similar design platforms.

  • Initial Cost:
    The initial startup cost of Spree begins at $0. You get access to the source code, functionality, extensions, community support and all the features at no cost.

Ishank Gupta

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